We all know intuitively that good nutrition is important for good health, but we often behave as if we don’t. Let’s be clear though: if you’re not getting good nutrition, sooner or later your health will suffer.
Theoretically, we should be getting all the nutrients we need in our diets. For practical purposes

The answer is to improve your diet as best you can and then add supplements to ensure you don’t fall into a deficiency state. The flip side of that coin is that you don’t want to overdo it either, because megadosing on micronutrients can be harmful to your health. For example, doses of Vitamin E greater than 100 International Units (IU) are associated with the development of certain cancers. Yet many sources of Vitamin E come in 400 IU capsules! So you do have to be somewhat careful and smart about supplementing your diet.
That’s what I’m for, to help you get good nutrition and be careful and smart about it. Nobody needs 1,000 or 2,000 times their daily requirement of anything!
My name is Dr. Karl Simanonok. I have a Master’s Degree in Nutrition from Florida State University and a Ph.D. in Physiology from U.C. Davis. I’ve been studying how the body works and applying that knowledge for a long time, and I like to help people attain better health through nutrition. Here’s how I can help you:

This website is designed to guide you through understanding the different kinds of nutrients in terms of their physiologic importance and how much of them you generally need. Then I will recommend for you some specific options for supplements in terms of best value for your money. There is no cost to you, but I do make a small affiliate commission on sales when the process works like it is supposed to, and that is how I support this effort. From time to time I am able to find you discounts on supplements as well.
Occasionally people have highly unusual nutritional requirements or desire some kind of personalized nutritional consulting for one reason or another (like go shopping with you to teach you what is and isn’t fit for human consumption among the choices in your own food store), and for those folks I am available for paid nutritional consulting; please use the Contact Form to reach me for that purpose. But this website is designed to help you for free as much as possible and sometimes even save you money. And most important, you get solid advice on which supplements you actually need without going overboard, because sometimes going overboard with certain supplements can actually be detrimental to health and well-being.
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